David R Thomas
Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Adam Smith, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, Suzan DelBene, Dennis Heck
William Neukom
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Adam Smith, Democratic National Committee, Donald K Barbieri, Thomas P Keefe Jr, Suzan DelBene
Joshua Bekenstein
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, LCV Victory Fund
Al Dwoskin
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Adam Smith, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, Donald K Barbieri
Alta Barer
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Thomas P Keefe Jr, Suzan DelBene, Dennis Heck
Lawrence E Hess
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Suzan DelBene, LCV Victory Fund
Melissa Schulman
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Adam Smith, Mark Udall, Dennis Heck
Michael Kieschnick
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Bill Halter, LCV Victory Fund
Robert Soros
Brian Baird, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Adam Smith, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, Thomas P Keefe Jr
Arthur Ortenberg
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, LCV Victory Fund
Larry Rockefeller
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, LCV Victory Fund
Rampa R Hormel
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, LCV Victory Fund
David Bonderman
Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Suzan DelBene, LCV Victory Fund
Floyd U Jones
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Adam Smith, Democratic National Committee, Suzan DelBene, Dennis Heck
John Haas
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund
Robert K Musil
Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, LCV Victory Fund
Stephen M Silberstein
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Joe Sestak, Adam Smith, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee
Arnold Bendich
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Adam Smith, Democratic National Committee, Suzan DelBene, Dennis Heck
Ann P Wyckoff
Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Mark Udall, Democratic National Committee, Suzan DelBene, Dennis Heck, LCV Victory Fund
Gerald Grinstein
Brian Baird, Maria Cantwell, Jay Inslee, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Thomas P Keefe Jr, Suzan DelBene, Dennis Heck