Physician, McAllen Texas
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Lawrence Gelman also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Lisa Fisch Korbatov Tom Cotton, Cotton for Congress, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Laura Loomer For Congress Inc, Laura Loomer, Committee To Elect Sam Peters, Samuel James Mr Peters
Howard M Lorber Elise Stefanik, Elise for Congress, WinRed, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Janet Barresi For Congress, Janet Barresi, Gavin Clarkson For Senate, Gavin Clarkson
Debby Fogelman Devin Nunes, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, Cotton for Congress, Elise for Congress, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens
Charles R Schwab Devin Nunes, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, Kim Klacik For Congress, Kimberly Klacik, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens
Robert Dunlap, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Hagan for Congress, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Mo Brooks, Christina Hagan
Rodger Riney Devin Nunes, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Tom Cotton, Cotton for Congress, Kistner For Congress, Tyler Kistner, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens
Allen Simon Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Cotton for Congress, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, WinRed, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Gavin Clarkson For Senate, Gavin Clarkson
Mark Bowyer Devin Nunes, Tom Cotton, Cotton for Congress, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, WinRed, Committee To Elect Sam Peters, Samuel James Mr Peters, De La Cruz Hernandez Monica, Monica For Congress
Donald Foss Devin Nunes, Tom Cotton, Cotton for Congress, WinRed, Messner For Senate, Bryant 'corky' S. Messner, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace
Jennifer Baird Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, WinRed, Team Rand, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace
Tim Dunn Rand Paul, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul for US Senate 2016, Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed
Daniel S Loeb Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, Elise for Congress, WinRed, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, De La Cruz Hernandez Monica, Monica For Congress
Joseph Korff Rand Paul,, Rand Paul for US Senate 2016, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, WinRed, Mo Brooks, Laura Loomer For Congress Inc, Laura Loomer
Diana Davis Spencer Rand Paul, Elise Stefanik, Rand Paul for US Senate 2016, Elise for Congress, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens
Darren Willcox Tom Cotton, Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace
E Llwyd Ecclestone Jr Kris Kobach, Tom Cotton, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Sandy Smith For Congress, Inc., Sandy Smith
Sylvie M Legere Tom Cotton, Elise Stefanik, Elise for Congress, Kim Klacik For Congress, Kimberly Klacik, WinRed, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens
Susan Gore Rand Paul, Rand Paul for US Senate 2016, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, WinRed, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Friends Of Matt Gurtler, Inc., Matt Gurtler
Marilyn Schnuck Tom Cotton, Cotton for Congress, Kistner For Congress, Tyler Kistner, Gavin Clarkson For Senate, Gavin Clarkson, Singh For Senate, Hirsh V Singh
David B Stone Rand Paul, Elise Stefanik, Rand Paul for US Senate 2016, Elise for Congress, Sandy Smith For Congress, Inc., Sandy Smith, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace