Business Advisory Council for the Department of Commerce since 1933
People Have Given To
People with positions in The Business Council have made donations to
Targeted State Victory $30,000 Stephen Bechtel Jr
General Electric Company Political Action Committee (Gepac) $29,050 Jim McNerney
Procter & Gamble Company Good Government Committee (Aka P&G PAC), the $29,000 Jim McNerney, Angela Braly
Chuck Schumer $26,900 Jamie Dimon, Jim McNerney, Ronald A Williams, Peter T Grauer
McCarthy Victory Fund 2014 $26,400 Stephen Bechtel Jr
John McCain $25,450 Andrew N Liveris, James W Owens, Angela Braly, Peter T Grauer, Stephen Bechtel Jr, Marlene M Colucci, Stephen Odland, David Packard
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $25,000 G Richard Wagoner Jr, Jamie Dimon, Jim McNerney
Harry Wilson $25,000 Peter T Grauer
Unintimidated PAC $25,000 James Goodnight
3M COMPANY PAC $25,000 Jim McNerney
Dcccc Non-Federal Account 5 $22,000 Jamie Dimon
George W Bush $21,500 G Richard Wagoner Jr, Andrew N Liveris, Jamie Dimon, James W Owens, Jim McNerney, Angela Braly, Ronald A Williams, James Goodnight, Stephen Bechtel Jr, Marlene M Colucci, Edmund T Pratt
Chris Dodd $20,500 Jamie Dimon, Ronald A Williams, Stephen Odland, Edmund T Pratt
American Chemistry Council PAC $20,000 Andrew N Liveris
Blue Origin PAC $20,000 Jeff Bezos
Rob Portman $19,850 Jamie Dimon, James W Owens, Jim McNerney, Ronald A Williams, Stephen Bechtel Jr
Patty Murray $19,100 Jamie Dimon, Jim McNerney, Jeff Bezos
Mitch McConnell $18,750 Jamie Dimon, Angela Braly, James Goodnight, Stephen Bechtel Jr
Lauch Faircloth $18,000 James Goodnight, Edmund T Pratt
America's Health Insurance Plans PAC $18,000 Angela Braly, Ronald A Williams
The Business Council
Updated almost 4 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Membership Organization, Industry/Trade Association
Aliases Business Advisory Council for the Department of Commerce

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