Former Governor of Ohio
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Richard F Celeste also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Joseph Dinardo Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee
Thomas F McLarty III Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet
Paul Egerman Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet
Michael P Thornton Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, Michael Bennet
Mary Cofrin Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Geraldine Ferraro, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean
Patricia Kessler Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean
Anita Bekenstein Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Democratic National Committee, Daniel B Wofford, Michael Bennet
Eric S Dobkin Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harris Wofford, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee
Harriet F Berger Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harris Wofford, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Daniel B Wofford
Paul Newman Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, John William Carter, Howard Dean
Ronald L Platt Hillary Clinton, Harris Wofford, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, Michael Bennet
Alice Love Bristow Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet
Richard M Cashin Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean
Jeffrey H Smith Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean
Eileen R Growald Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, Michael Bennet
Maurice Tempelsman Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harris Wofford, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet
Carl T Oxholm Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Harris Wofford, Geraldine Ferraro, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean
Norm Brownstein Hillary Clinton, Ken Salazar, Harris Wofford, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet
Ray Kogovsek Hillary Clinton, Ken Salazar, Geraldine Ferraro, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Michael Bennet
Martha Cochran Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ken Salazar, Bill Clinton, Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean
Richard F Celeste
Updated over 11 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Political Candidate, Elected Representative