Rowan University
Founded in 1923, fomerly Glassboro State, renamed Rowan College of New Jersey in 1992
Arcadia University
Joe Sestak
2020 Dem. presidential candidate, former US Representative from Pennsylvania, retired 3-star vice admiral
Bob Casey
Former Pennsylvania US Senator (2007-2025)
Allyson Y Schwartz
Better Medicare Alliance president / CEO, former Pennsylvania Congressperson
Patrick Murphy
former US Representative from Pennsylvania
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Joseph M Hoeffel
US Representative from Pennsylvania
Chris Carney
US Representative from Pennsylvania; former professor of political science at Penn State University-Worthington
Kathleen A McGinty
former Secretary of the Pennsylvania DEP; SVP, Weston Solutions
Ami Bera
US Representative from California (2013-present)