Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Inez Moore Tenenbaum also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Samuel J Tenenbaum Bob Kerrey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Brent Alan Weaver, Linda Ketner, Jeanne Shaheen, Andrew Clayborne Brack, Robert Barber, Linna Jane Young Frederick, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Donald L Fowler Sr Bob Kerrey, John Barrow, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeanne Shaheen, Andrew Clayborne Brack, Robert Barber, Linna Jane Young Frederick, Debbie Dorn
Barbra Streisand Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeanne Shaheen, Nancy Ann Keenan, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund
Tony Podesta Bob Kerrey, John Barrow, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Pete Domenici, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn
Patricia Vradenburg Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Forward Together PAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund
Claudia James Bob Kerrey, John Barrow, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Andrew Clayborne Brack, Michelle Nunn
Leslie A Miller Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Alida Rockefeller Dayton Bob Kerrey, John Barrow, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Jeanne Shaheen, Nancy Ann Keenan, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund
Crandall Close Bowles Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Linda Ketner, Jeanne Shaheen, Linna Jane Young Frederick
Steven M Champlin Bob Kerrey, John Barrow, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mary Landrieu, Barack Obama, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Forward Together PAC, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor
Peter Buttenwieser Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Jonathan M Tisch Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Barack Obama, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Jamie Gorelick Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, John McKee Spratt Jr, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Forward Together PAC, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn
Daniel C Tate Jr John Barrow, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeanne Shaheen, Nancy Ann Keenan, Andrew Clayborne Brack
Roselyne Chroman Swig Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund
Elaine Schuster Hillary Clinton, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Susie Tompkins Buell Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012
Michael F Fink Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Mary Landrieu, Barack Obama, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Nancy Ann Keenan, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund
Kimberly Oxholm Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Pete Domenici, Mary Landrieu, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Emily's List, Kay R Hagan, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor, Michelle Nunn, Obama Victory Fund 2012, Obama Victory Fund
Al Dwoskin Bob Kerrey, Tom Carper, Hillary Clinton, Carl Levin, Barack Obama, John McKee Spratt Jr, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party of South Carolina, Forward Together PAC, Kay R Hagan, Alexander M Sanders Jr, Jeanne Shaheen, Betty Castor