Member of a Trump agency landing team, worked at National Defense University Foundation
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Bijan Kian also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Meg Whitman David Timothy Dreier, Jim Sensenbrenner, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney
Barry A Sanders Charles Christopher Cox, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney
John Peck George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
Mercedes Cecchi George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
David Malpass Sam Brownback, Charles Christopher Cox, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Deborah Messick Hohlt Sam Brownback, David Timothy Dreier, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Gary Winnick David Timothy Dreier, Pete Wilson, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney
John H Kissick Pete Wilson, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
W Clarke Swanson Jr Charles Christopher Cox, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Peter Blackstock George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
Robert Shillman George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
Makan Delrahim George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
James D Robinson III Pete Wilson, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
Mandell Ourisman Pete Wilson, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert L Livingston David Timothy Dreier, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
Travis K Anderson Sam Brownback, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory, WinRed
Charles Griffin Cale Charles Christopher Cox, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
J Steven Hart Sam Brownback, Charles Christopher Cox, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
Robert S Taubman Pete Wilson, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory
John O'Donnell Charles Christopher Cox, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Mitt Romney, Romney Victory