Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Mike Useem also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Victor A Kovner Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Siobhan L Bennett
Al Dwoskin Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, 21st Century Democrats
Jonathan Soros Bob Casey, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Gerald A McHugh Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy
Jeff Shell Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Forward Together PAC
Andrea Soros Colombel Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Lawrence E Hess Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, 21st Century Democrats
Lee Halprin Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Paul Egerman Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Forward Together PAC
Linda Pritzker Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Committee for Change
Anita Bekenstein Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Forward Together PAC, Daniel B Wofford
Ed Rendell Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Richard M Burnes Jr Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, Committee for Change, 21st Century Democrats
Cynthia Friedman Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, Committee for Change
David W Haas Bob Casey, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
Robert J Reinstein Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Robert Soros Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy
David Elderkin Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Daniel B Wofford, Robert Roggio
Robert I Toll Bob Casey, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Siobhan L Bennett
Teresa Heinz Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Committee for Change, Siobhan L Bennett
Mike Useem
Updated over 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person, Academic
Aliases Michael Useem