Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Mike Useem also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Joan Stern Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
Thomas A Leonard Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Robert Roggio
Michael F Fink Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
David A Sonenshein Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
Allen J Model Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Robert Roggio, Siobhan L Bennett
Kenneth Klothen Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Forward Together PAC, Daniel B Wofford
Michael D Smith Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, 21st Century Democrats
Elizabeth Werthan Bob Casey, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
Marc Winkelman Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, Daniel B Wofford, Lukin T Gilliland Jr, Committee for Change
Gerry Lenfest Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Siobhan L Bennett
Howard Morgan Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Robert Roggio, Siobhan L Bennett
Susan W Catherwood Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Robert Roggio
Tony Podesta Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Forward Together PAC, Daniel B Wofford
Daniel Berger Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Ronald Kaiserman Bob Casey, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Robert Roggio, Siobhan L Bennett
Milton Schneider Bob Casey, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
Carol Baker Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Siobhan L Bennett
Jerome Kohlberg Jr Bob Casey, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Forward Together PAC, Daniel B Wofford, Siobhan L Bennett
Harriet F Berger Bob Casey, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford
Clyde Shorey John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Joseph M Hoeffel, Democratic National Committee, Lois Murphy, Daniel B Wofford, 21st Century Democrats