President and Chief Executive Officer of Orbital ATK Inc.; co-founded Orbital Sciences Corporation in April 1982
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from David W Thompson also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Robert H Asher Barbara Ann Mikulski, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Al Gore, George W Bush, Republican National Committee
Michael W Ellis Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian
Richard E Wiley Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Republican National Committee
Knox Singleton Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Don Beyer
James M Wordsworth Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian, Federal Victory Fund
John M Jacquemin Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian, Federal Victory Fund
Raul J Fernandez Tom Davis, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Federal Victory Fund, Don Beyer
Philip Rosenthal Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Barbara Comstock, Republican National Committee, Don Beyer
Peter G Fitzgerald Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian
Albert H Small Jr Tom Davis, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Federal Victory Fund, Don Beyer
Phillip G Norton Sr Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian, Federal Victory Fund
Robert L Livingston Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian
Martin Clark Faga Tom Davis, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian, Alliant Techsystems Inc. Employee Citizenship Fund
David Hillman Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian
Carl T Berquist Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Keith S Fimian
Richard D Fain Tom Davis, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Republican National Committee
John Dowd Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Republican National Committee
Stewart W Bainum Jr Barbara Ann Mikulski, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Don Beyer
Anne Hazel Tom Davis, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Federal Victory Fund
Marcia Carlucci George Allen, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Don Beyer