People Have Given To
People with positions in AT&T, Inc. have made donations to
T-Mobile USA Inc. Political Action Committee (T-PAC) $20,000 John W Stanton
Paul Ryan $19,800 Matthew K Rose, August A Busch III, Randall L Stephenson, Stephen J Luczo
Mark Udall $19,700 Matthew K Rose, William E Kennard, Glenn Hutchins, Broderick Johnson, Stephanie Markiewicz, Charlie Shipp, Kelly Bingel
Barbara Boxer $19,400 Laura D Tyson, Jon C Madonna, Susan L Bostrom, Stephanie Markiewicz, Kelly Bingel, Toni Rembe, Stephen J Luczo
Chris Van Hollen $19,350 William E Kennard, Glenn Hutchins, Broderick Johnson, Stephanie Markiewicz, Robert Quinn, Kelly Bingel
Kay Granger $19,250 Matthew K Rose
Dianne Feinstein $18,700 Susan L Bostrom, Charlie Shipp, Bernard F McKay, Toni Rembe
Evan Bayh $18,550 W Don Cornwell, August A Busch III, William F Aldinger III, William E Kennard, Glenn Hutchins, Broderick Johnson, Kelly Bingel, Catherine M Coughlin, Stephen J Luczo
Oklahoma Leadership Council $18,350 August A Busch III, Cindy B Taylor, John W Stanton
George Allen $18,250 David W Dorman, Alex J Mandl, August A Busch III, James L Johnson Jr, Charlie Shipp, Paula Pleas Timmons, James W Cicconi, Randall L Stephenson, Forrest E Miller, Ray Wilkins, Ed Whitacre
Teligent PAC $18,000 Alex J Mandl
Ben Nelson $17,900 Matthew K Rose, Glenn Hutchins, James L Johnson Jr, Broderick Johnson, Kelly Bingel
Richard Green Lugar $17,750 Robert E Allen, August A Busch III, Richard W Fisher, Randall Tobias
Ed Markey $17,700 C Michael Armstrong, Alex J Mandl, W Don Cornwell, Jon C Madonna, Glenn Hutchins, Stephanie Markiewicz, Paula Pleas Timmons, James W Cicconi, Kelly Bingel, Martina Bradford
HECK YES! VICTORY FUND $17,700 August A Busch III
Tuberville For Senate, Inc. $17,500 James H Blanchard
US Chamber of Commerce PAC (Ncap) $17,500 Matthew K Rose
George H W Bush $17,500 C Michael Armstrong, Alex J Mandl, Victor A Pelson, Robert E Allen, Scott T Ford, Jon C Madonna, August A Busch III, Charles F Knight, Lynn Morley Martin, James W Cicconi, Gilbert F Amelio, Toni Rembe, John W Stanton, Ed Whitacre
Illinois Republican Party $17,346 August A Busch III, William F Aldinger III, Lynn Morley Martin
Nita M Lowey $17,200 Glenn Hutchins
AT&T, Inc.
Updated 6 days ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Business, Public Company
Revenue 147 Billion
Aliases AT&T, AT&T INC, ATandT, IRS EIN 43-1301883, Ma Bell, SBC Communications, SBC Communications Inc., Southwestern Bell Corporation

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