Alexandra (Sandy) Liddy Bourne is a senior fellow of The Heartland Institute focusing on environmental issues. She served as vice president for policy and strategy from 2006 until December 2008, during which time she acted as Heartland’s Washington DC media spokesman and liaison to Heartland’s Legislative Advisors (elected officials), donors, and allies. She continues to address energy and environmental regulation. Prior to joining Heartland, Bourne worked for the American Legislative Exchange Council, the nation’s largest membership organization for state elected officials. As policy director she provided supervision and guidance to the policy development of nine task forces, federal affairs program, and the international program. Under her leadership, 20 percent of ALEC model bills were enacted by one state or more, up from 11 percent. Bourne started her career as a nurse, receiving a B.S.N. degree from the College of New Rochelle, New Rochelle, New York, and an M.S.N. from Catholic University of America. From 1986 to 2003 she served in the U.S. Army Reserves, attaining the rank of captain in the Army Nurse Corps. In October 2001, she worked with ALEC leadership to develop a homeland security working group in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001. Bourne currently serves as a member of the Virginia Board of Conservation and Recreation by appointment by Speaker Bill Howell, Virginia General Assembly. She previously served on the Virginia Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Virginia Board of Nursing, and as a director, president, and chairman of the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce.