Business Positions
Sound Shore Medical Center
Westchester, NY
Board Memberships
Westchester County Health Care Corporation
Public benefit corporation to provide health care services and health facilities for the benefit of the residents of the state of New York and the county of Westchester
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Rudy Giuliani
Trump adviser; former mayor of New York City
Al D’Amato
US Senator from New York; Park Strategies
Thomas M Reynolds
Lobbyist, Nixon Peabody, former US Representative from New York
Chuck Schumer
US Senator, former Representative from New York
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Political Fundraising Committee for Democratic Senatorial Candidates
Mike Huckabee
Former Governor of Arkansas
Robert Guy Torricelli
Lobbyist, former US Representative and Senator from New Jersey
Ted Kennedy
Former US Senator from Massachusetts
Nita M Lowey
US Representative from New York