Concluding an eight-year term as Chairman of the New York City Planning Commission and Director of the Department of City Planning in 2002. He was appointed to these positions by Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani on January 29,1994, and was the longest-serving Chairman since the creation of the Planning Commission in 1936. Prior to serving as Chairman of the Planning Commission, Joseph Rose was Executive Director of the Citizens Housing and Planning Council, a non-profit public interest research and education organization devoted to issues of affordable housing, planning and urban development in New York City. From 1981 to 1983, he served as Special Assistant for Urban Affairs to former United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. As Chairman of New York's Community Board #5 from 1985 to 1988, Mr. Rose founded the Midtown Children's Project, an education and recreational program for homeless families. Mr. Rose previously held a number of academic appointments at Columbia University School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation and the Robert Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. He is a graduate of Yale University and did his graduate work at the Department of Government of Harvard University's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Joseph Rose and Marshall Rose are related by marriage; Joseph's wife, Wendi, is Marshall's daughter.