Board Memberships
Manhattan Institute
conservative think tank
Robin Hood Foundation
Major NYC private anti-poverty charity
Eliot Spitzer
Former Governor of New York
John Faso
Manatt Phelps & Phillips partner; former NYS gubernatorial candidate
George E Pataki
Former Governor of New York; of counsel, Chadbourne & Parke
Malcolm A Smith
Former New York State Senate Majority Leader; convicted felon
David A Paterson
Lobbyist, Sands Las Vegas; Governor of New York (2008-2010)
Sam Hoyt
Former Regional President, Empire State Development Corporation
Michael Benjamin
Former NYS Assembly, District 79
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Political Fundraising Committee for Democratic Senatorial Candidates
Michael Bennet
US Senator from Colorado
Liberal Party of New York State
NYS third party
Joe Lieberman
Former US Senator for CT (1989-2013); Vice President nominee (2000)
Rodney P Frelinghuysen
Former US Representative from New Jersey (1995-2019)