Larry C Johnson
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Nick Lovrien
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Avril Haines
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Joseph DeTrani
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Walter Bedell Smith
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
William Burns
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Mike Pompeo
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Cofer Black
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Ronald "Ron" Slimp
Central Intelligence Agency, TD International, LLC
Caroline Diane Krass
US Department of State, Central Intelligence Agency
Neal S Wolin
Central Intelligence Agency
Barbara M Barrett
US Department of State
John F Turner
US Department of State
David R Andrews
US Department of State
Alexander M Haig Jr
US Department of State
Dr James R Schlesinger
Central Intelligence Agency
Judith A McHale
US Department of State
George P Shultz
US Department of State
Gordon D Giffin
US Department of State
Bobby Ray Inman
Central Intelligence Agency