Susan Rice
US Department of State
David Petraeus
Central Intelligence Agency
Alan John Blinken
US Department of State
Tim Roemer
US Department of State
Kris Kobach
US Department of State
James Marcinkowski
Central Intelligence Agency
James B Steinberg
US Department of State
Theodore Roosevelt IV
US Department of State
Daniel K Tarullo
US Department of State
Jeffrey A Bader
US Department of State
Witney Schneidman
US Department of State
John Bolton
US Department of State
Robert Gates
Central Intelligence Agency
George H W Bush
Central Intelligence Agency
Meridith Webster
US Department of State
A B Krongard
Central Intelligence Agency
James Addison Baker III
US Department of State
Madeleine Albright
US Department of State
William J McDonough
US Department of State
Condoleezza Rice
US Department of State