former NY congressman
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Scott Murphy
PersonCommon Orgs
Barry Diller New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Zachary W Carter New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Bob Kerrey New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Geraldine B Laybourne New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Sherwood Louis Boehlert New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Harold Ford Jr New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Amory Houghton Jr New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
William H. Donaldson New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
David Rockefeller Sr New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Jerome Kohlberg Jr New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Edgar Bronfman Sr New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Leo Hindery Jr New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Ed Koch New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Blaine V Fogg New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Jonathan F P Rose New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Jonathan Soros New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Francis P Barron New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Jane Cecile Sherburne New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Ellen Susman New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)
Peter J Solomon New York Leadership for Accountable Government (NY LEAD)