Mr. Sloat brings nearly 25 years of experience in state government to the firm. Mr. Sloat has served in both the Executive and the Legislative Branch during his career. Mr. Sloat has served as both an Executive Branch Legislative Secretary and as Legislative Chief of Staff. Mr. Sloat supervised legislative operations in 81 state departments in the Executive Branch. He developed an expertise on California’s state budget process, and is widely regarded as an expert on California’s Legislative process. Mr. Sloat is highly regarded in Sacramento both as a legislative strategist and as a direct lobbyist. Mr. Sloat started his lobbying practice in 1997 with one support staff and it quickly grew into one of the most influential lobbying firms in California. He has successfully guided many major legislative initiatives for a variety of large corporate and public sector clients. He is also recognized as an expert on the development and advocacy of State Budget projects.