Beth Klarman
Klarman Family Foundation
Stacy Schusterman
chairman and CEO of Samson Investment Company
Karla Jurvetson
Psychiatrist; former wife of venture capitalist, Steve Jurvetson
Lynn Schusterman
Widow of Charles Schusterman who started in oil and gas business Samson Resources
Linda Dresner
Operated influential New York fashion boutique
David Steinglass
Northlane Capital Partners
Edward C Levy Jr
President, Edward C Levy Co; AIPAC board member
Robert C Pozen
Former Chairman, MFS Investment Management; senior lecturer, MIT
Julie Beren Platt
Producer, Marc Platt Productions; family founded oil company Berexco
Harold Grinspoon
Real estate investor, As[pen Square Management - West Springfield Massachusetts
Democratic Party
The U.S. Democratic Party
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress