Rosamund Zander
Writer-Paychotherapist, Cambridge Massachusetts
Karla Jurvetson
Psychiatrist; former wife of venture capitalist, Steve Jurvetson
Benjamin Griesinger
Non profit manager/consultant, Brooklyn New York
Morris Pearl
Board member of the Agenda Project, Managing Director of Top Wonks, chair of the Patriotic Millionaires
Naomi Aberly
HBK Capital Management; Chair, Board of Directors - Planned Parenthood Federation
Wayne Jordan
Oakland real estate developer
Merle Chambers
Founded and managed Axem Resources Incorporated, a privately held, independent oil and gas company
Aaron Lemon Strauss
Former Vice President - College Board, Washington DC
Susan Pritzker
Board member of Mother Jones; wife of Nick Pritzker
Nicolette Beck
Artist, musician, and activist from the SF Bay Area