George Washington University
Private research university in Washington, D.C
In the office of
John Hubbard Chafee
US Senator from Rhode Island
Elise Gemeinhardt-Burns
Lobbyist and Former Legislative Assistant for Alan Simpson
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Christine C Ferguson
Director of the Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange (2012-2015); professor at George Washington University
Lincoln Davenport Chafee
US Senator from Rhode Island
Wish List, the
Fundraising Group for Pro-Choice Republican Women
Judith Feder
Professor of public policy,Georgetown University Public Policy Institute
Christine C Ferguson
Director of the Rhode Island Health Benefits Exchange (2012-2015); professor at George Washington University
Deborah Carstens
Retired - Paradise Valley Arizona
Malcolm Chace Jr
Portfolio Manager, WhaleRock Point Partners; Canton Hathaway
Richard C White
Robert I. White, LLC, Consultant
Nancy E Taylor
Lobbyist and Former Staffer for Orrin Hatch
John Danforth
US Senator from Missouri
Malcolm Chace Sr
Rhode Island banker, former Berkshire Hathaway board member
Karen M Ignagni
President and CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans
Republican Party
The U.S. Republican Party
University of Michigan
A public research university in Ann Arbor, Michigan