Business Positions
CSX Corporation
Transportation and Shipping
The Southern Company
American gas and electric utility holding company based in the southern United States
Board Memberships
SunTrust Bank
Bank headquartered in Atlanta; known for its close historical relationship with Coca-Cola
CSX Corporation
Transportation and Shipping
The Southern Company
American gas and electric utility holding company based in the southern United States
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Richard Shelby
US Senator and Representative from Alabama (R-AL)
Saxby Chambliss
Republican US Senator and Representative from Georgia
Johnny Isakson
Former Republican US Senator & Representative from Georgia
Max Baucus
former US Senator and Representative from Montana
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Trent Lott
US Representative and Senator from Mississippi
Bill Nelson
Biden NASA head, former Democratic US Senator and Representative from Florida
The Southern Company
American gas and electric utility holding company based in the southern United States
Business Roundtable
Conservative-leaning pro-business policy group of leading chief executives