President, Franklin Pierce University; Chief of Staff under George W Bush
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Andrew H Card Jr
PersonCommon Orgs
Scooter Libby White House Office, White House Iraq Group
Samuel K Skinner United States Department of Transportation, George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees
Karl Rove White House Office, White House Iraq Group
Gerald Parsky American Council for Capital Formation, George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees
Archie W Dunham Union Pacific Corporation, George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees
Thomas F McLarty III Union Pacific Corporation, White House Office
Stephen J Hadley White House Office, White House Iraq Group
Fred Malek American Council for Capital Formation, George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees
Erroll B Davis Jr General Motors Company, Union Pacific Corporation
Harriet Miers White House Office, Executive Office of the President
Erskine B Bowles General Motors Company, White House Office
Robert Strauss American Council for Capital Formation, George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees
Mike Rock Union Pacific Corporation, United States Department of Transportation
Rudy Fernandez United States Department of Transportation, White House Office
Daniel A Turton General Motors Company, White House Office
Condoleezza Rice White House Office, White House Iraq Group
Joe Hagin White House Office, Executive Office of the President
Kenneth M Duberstein White House Office, American Council for Capital Formation
James J Mulva General Motors Company
Charles C Krulak Union Pacific Corporation