Wayne L Berman
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Susan Collins, Bob Inglis, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, John Ashcroft, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Daniel Webster PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Michael O Johanns
Ed Rogers
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Bob Inglis, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Peter I Blute, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Keith S Fimian, Daniel Webster PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Demaris H Miller, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Ben Quayle
J Steven Hart
Spencer Abraham, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Bob Inglis, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Leadership PAC 2006, Daniel Webster PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bob Carr, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Chuck Hagel, Ben Quayle, Michael O Johanns
Lanny Griffith
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Bob Inglis, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Keith S Fimian, Daniel Webster PAC, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel
David Bockorny
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), George H W Bush, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Jeff Perry, Michael O Johanns
Edward C Levy Jr
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Sander Martin Levin, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Peter I Blute, Bob Dole, Peter Gerard Torkildsen, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Mitt Romney, Bob Carr, Scott P Brown
Charles R. Black
Spencer Abraham, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Americans for a Brighter Future, James Clifford Miller III, Demaris H Miller, Joseph Kyrillos, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Ben Quayle
Nicholas Calio
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel
Dan Meyer
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Bob Inglis, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mark D Nielsen, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Keith S Fimian, Daniel Webster PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown
Mark Isakowitz
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Susan Collins, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Mike Rogers, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, Paul Coverdell, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mark D Nielsen, Freedom Project, Daniel Webster PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Michael O Johanns
C Boyden Gray
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Freedom Project, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Governor Engler Leadership Fund, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Americans for a Brighter Future, 1994 Republican Senate-House Dinner/Aka President's Dinner, James Clifford Miller III, Demaris H Miller, Chuck Hagel, Ben Quayle
Shawn Smeallie
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Mark D Nielsen, Freedom Project, Keith S Fimian, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Ben Quayle
Bryce L Harlow
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keith S Fimian, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, James Clifford Miller III, Demaris H Miller, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Michael O Johanns
Bill Paxon
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Thomas M Reynolds, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Charles Foster Bass, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Jennifer Blackburn Dunn, John Ashcroft, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Freedom Project, Leadership PAC 2006, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Mitt Romney, Demaris H Miller, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Ben Quayle, Michael O Johanns
Carl H Lindner
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Freedom Project, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, James Clifford Miller III, Scott P Brown
Arthur D Mason
John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Jerry Lewis, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Jeb Bradley, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Peter I Blute, Bob Dole, Peter Gerard Torkildsen, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Freedom Project, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel, Jeff Perry
Sam Fox
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, Bob Inglis, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, Jesse Helms, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, 1994 Republican Senate-House Dinner/Aka President's Dinner, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown
Janet Berman
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Pat Roberts, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, Frank Rudolph Wolf, George Allen, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, John Ashcroft, Al D’Amato, Bob Dole, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Joseph Kyrillos, Scott P Brown, Ben Quayle
Kenneth M Duberstein
Spencer Abraham, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Mike Rogers, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Tom Delay, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Paul Coverdell, David McIntosh, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, George H W Bush, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Chuck Hagel, Ben Quayle
John W Childs
Spencer Abraham, John Boehner, Kit Bond, Susan Collins, John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter, John E Sununu, George Allen, Rob Portman, Rick Santorum, John Ashcroft, Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Peter Gerard Torkildsen, George W Bush, New Republican Majority Fund, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Edward B Teague, Mitt Romney, Bill Weld, Jane Swift, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Chuck Hagel