Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Kristi Noem
South Dakota governor, former US Representative from South Dakota
Chuck Grassley
US Senator and Representative from Iowa (1981-present); former US Representative (1975-1981)
George W Bush
43rd US president, ex-governor of Texas, son of George H W Bush
Dan Kirby
President of Kirby Financial in Sioux Falls, SD
Lenore Broughton
Burlington, Vermont heiress
Peter H Coors
Chairman of Coors Brewing Company
Elizabeth May Stern
Scarsdale New York
Blake Curd
South Dakota doctor, Congressional candidate
Virgil Borns Jr
Owner, Mailing/Marketing firm
Mark G Leddy
CEO, Valley Queen Cheese Factory, Inc.
Stuart Epperson, Jr
General manager of WTRU-AM/Winston-Salem
David R Latchford
U.S. Operating Inc/Attorney
Republican Party
The U.S. Republican Party