Louis Soares Louis has a premium accountClick to upgrade to Premium Chief Learning and Innovation Officer at American Council on Education Washington D.C. Metro Area 500+ connections Contact info EDUCAUSE Harvard University About ACE is a member organization of 1,600 college and university presidents. I have the honor of leading ACE's efforts to improve higher education executive practice, college and university performance and student outcomes. This includes responsibility for collaborative member service development and delivery across innovation, executive education and research units. Articles 854 followers Higher Education and Employability Louis’ profile photo Louis Soares Published on LinkedIn Check out new book on Higher Education and Employability by Peter Stokes with a forward by yours truly. http://www.amazon.com/Higher-Education-Employability-Models-Integrating/dp/161250826X/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1435863353&sr=8-5&keywords=peter+stokes+education Like Comment See all Experience EDUCAUSE Board Member Company NameEDUCAUSE Dates EmployedOct 2018 – Present Employment Duration1 yr 5 mos American Council on Education Company NameAmerican Council on Education Total Duration6 yrs 9 mos TitleChief Learning and Innovation Officer Dates EmployedJun 2018 – Present Employment Duration1 yr 9 mos LocationWashington D.C. Metro Area Lead ACE's efforts to improve higher education executive practice, college and university performance and student outcomes. Responsibility for collaborative member service development and delivery across innovation, executive education and research units. TitleVice President of Strategy, Research and Advancement Dates EmployedSep 2016 – Jun 2018 Employment Duration1 yr 10 mos LocationWashington D.C. Metro Area Responsibility Organizational Strategy, Policy Research and Advancement. TitleVice President of Policy Research and Strategy Dates EmployedJun 2013 – Sep 2016 Employment Duration3 yrs 4 mos LocationWashington D.C. Metro Area Lead the American Council on Education’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy. The mission of Center for Policy Research and Strategy is to publish thought leadership at the intersection of public policy and institutional strategy to provide senior college leaders and public policymakers with an evidence base to responsibly promote emergent best practices in higher education that help the nation achieve education goals. CPRS' team of doctoral researchers and associates produces papers, issue briefs and convenings that provide stakeholders with acute insight, rigorous analysis and on-the-ground application with regard to higher educatipn policy and practice. CPRS research is organize in three broad categories: 1. Re-imagining Diversity and Equity in Higher Education in the 21st Century 2. Public Policy and Higher Education Systems 3. Transformational Leadership Specific areas of research include: federal policy (financial aid, regulation); state policy; technology-enabled learning; lifelong learning; access, equity, diversity, and success in higher education; P-16 connections; and the college presidency. Supervise upto three staff including professional analysts and provide research and data management expertise to the entire organization. CPRS approaches the study of higher education through the use of varying methodologies and data sources. Analytical frameworks include those found in research on educational equity, education policy, organizational and systems management, and disruptive innovation. … see more Show fewer roles GED Testing Service Board Member Company NameGED Testing Service Dates EmployedSep 2015 – Present Employment Duration4 yrs 6 mos LocationWashington D.C. Metro Area Board Member Soares, Inc. Principal and Founder Company NameSoares, Inc. Dates EmployedFeb 2012 – Jun 2013 Employment Duration1 yr 5 mos LocationSeattle, WA Soares, Inc provides executive insight to higher education leaders on key issues in institutional practice and public policy. Services include: - Executive coaching on leading for change - Inclusive, team-centered strategy development - Develop experimental projects to scale innovation - Public policy analysis and consultation … see more Center for American Progress Director/Fellow Center for American Progress Company NameCenter for American Progress Dates EmployedAug 2007 – 2012 Employment Duration5 yrs LocationSeattle, Wa Louis Soares is a Fellow with CAP and provides strategic guidance and policy expertise on higher education reform. He has over 20 years experience in post-secondary education policy. Soares is a sought-after commentator on public policy and is a contributor to CNBC, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Inside Higher Education. Soares's research includes community college reform, worker training, education and industry partnerships, career and education counseling, and technology in higher education. Soares's papers "Working Learners: Educating Our Entire Workforce for the 21st Century" and "Disrupting College: How Disruptive Innovation Can Bring Quality and Affordability to Postsecondary Education," are widely cited as redefining the policy debate in worker training and online education respectively. Soares was appointed by Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to serve on the National Board of the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education in November 2011. Prior to joining American Progress, he served as director of business development in the administration of Rhode Island Governor Donald L. Carcieri where he managed Rhode Island’s policy incentives for workforce training, business attraction, export assistance, government contracting, and small business from 2003 to 2006. As director of education and training for the Rhode Island Technology Council from 2000 to 2002, Soares developed and managed a workforce training strategy for a 240-member trade association, which included implementing education-business partnerships at the high school, college, and corporate levels to align with relevant workplace skills. He also served as a small business consultant with the U.S. Peace Corps in Romania in 1995 and 1996. Soares holds a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in business economics from Brown University. He lives with his wife, Elizabeth, and daughter, Maya, in Seattle, Washington. … see more Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation Director Business and Workforce Services Company NameRhode Island Economic Development Corporation Dates Employed2002 – 2007 Employment Duration5 yrs LocationProvidence, RI Rhode Island Technology Council Manager, Education and Training Programs Company NameRhode Island Technology Council Dates Employed1999 – 2002 Employment Duration3 yrs Created college and university partnerships in information and bio technology industries to support regional economic growth inititiatives. Worked with Fortune 500 firms and Rhode Island public higher education institutions to educate over 2,000 workers. Northern Rhode Island School to Career Partnership Manager - Education Grants Program Company NameNorthern Rhode Island School to Career Partnership Dates Employed1997 – 1999 Employment Duration2 yrs Managed 8 schoold district partnership to invest $13 million in federal funds in education innovation and reform initiatives. Show fewer experiences Education Harvard University Harvard University Degree NameMPAField Of StudyWorkforce Development Policy Dates attended or expected graduation2002 – 2003 Brown University Brown University Degree NameBAField Of StudyEconomics Dates attended or expected graduation1984 – 1988