Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) is a unique collaboration among philanthropic foundations, educators, innovators, and technologists. We’re focused on addressing the barriers to educational innovation by tapping the potential of technology to improve college readiness and completion, particularly for low-income young adults. In addition to grants, NGLC seeks to spark dialogue on related topics and initiate community building through a series of events, resources, and online tools designed to catalyze new ideas and foster solutions that span institutions and accelerate student success. Grants and the operation of NGLC are supported through funding from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In November 2010, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation joined the program. The Broad Foundation provided support to NGLC beginning in 2013. Additional philanthropic organizations may be invited to participate in the future. Next Generation Learning Challenges is structured to provide investment capital, create evidence, and accelerate adoption. Grants provide investment capital for advancing technology-enabled solutions and innovative new models for educational delivery. However, it is imperative that the community also develop and share evidence on which others can build. Thus, evaluation of individual projects as well as of the overall program are part of NGLC. Likewise, NGLC seeks to accelerate adoption of effective models by engaging individuals, disciplines, and institutions in dialogue, planning, and implementation.