Lobbyist Jack Burkman also does a podcast and video show with paid placement on Newsmax. He’s already known in D.C. media circles as the man who has promoted a conspiracy theory about the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich and launched his own investigation. A woman who identified herself as Lorraine Parsons, and that she had been offered $20,000 by a man who said he worked for firm called Surefire Intelligence, which had been retained by Burkman, to make allegations of sexual misconduct against Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. The Atlantic reported that another woman, Jennifer Taub, contacted Mueller’s office earlier this month with similar information. Burkman started off on a fairly conventional path in Washington. After law school, he landed a job in New York Republican Rep. Rick Lazio’s office. In 1996, he cashed in as a lobbyist at the Smith-Free Group. Six years later, he formed his own shop, J.M. Burkman & Associates. Burkman started speaking regularly on TV about the Whitewater scandal that Lazio investigated on the House Banking Committee. He appeared on Fox News and Bill Maher’s show, but he never broke though. Before it went defunct, Burkman’s website was mostly a compilation of his TV hits. He let it go offline because he prefers to steer traffic to the page for his radio show Behind the Curtain. Ralph Palmieri, Burkman’s part-time lobbying partner, says their typical clients are middle-aged and older businessmen who are not afraid to take a chance with their money.