Deirdre Connelly became senior vice president of human resources for Lilly and joined the company's policy committee in September 2004. She had been vice president of human resources for pharmaceutical operations since May 2004.Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Connelly received a bachelor's degree in economics and marketing from Lycoming College in Pennsylvania in 1983. She graduated from the Harvard University's Advanced Management Program in 2000.Connelly joined Lilly in 1983 as a sales representative. In 1984, she moved to San Juan as a marketing associate. In 1989, she joined the international management development program at Lilly Corporate Center and later became a sales supervisor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1990, she returned to San Juan as a diabetes product manager. In 1991, Connelly was named national sales manager for the Puerto Rico affiliate and, in 1992, she was named marketing and sales director for Puerto Rico. In 1993, she became director of sales and marketing for the Caribbean Basin Region, including Central America, Puerto Rico, and Caribbean Island countries. She was promoted to general manager for Eli Lilly Puerto Rico, S.A., in 1995.Connelly returned to Indianapolis in 1997. From 1997 to 2001, she held the positions of regional sales director, executive director of global marketing for Evista??, and team leader for the Evista?? product team and was promoted to leader of the woman's health business unit in the U.S. affiliate. In 2003, she became executive director of human resources for the U.S. affiliate.