Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Bruce Nilles also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Alan W Houseman Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Michele Singer Reiner Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Carter Eskew Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Robert Zemeckis Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Agnes Gund Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Barrett L Brick Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Donna Isaacson Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Harold Ramis Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Ronald M Meyer Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Cynthia Lovelace Sears Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Jane Fonda Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Greg Carlin Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Nancy Peretsman Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Jessye Norman Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Mimi Haas Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Bonnie Raitt Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Sherwood Schwartz Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
John Sayles Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Milledge A Hart III Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning
Linda Wertheimer Hart Barack Obama, Voters for Choice/Friends of Family Planning