Business Positions
Dewey Square Group, LLC
American political consulting firm
Board Memberships
Let America Vote
A 527 Committee
Priorities USA
dark-money arm of Obama/Hillary SuperPAC
Priorities USA Action
Pro-Obama/Hillary Clinton Super PAC
Hillary Clinton for President
Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign committee for POTUS
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
Jon Tester
US Senator from Montana (2007-present)
Erskine B Bowles
Clinton's chief of staff from 1996-1998; investor; deficit hawk
Joe Donnelly
Former US Senator and Representative from Indiana; Biden Nominee to be Ambassador to the Holy See
Tammy Baldwin
US Senator from Wisconsin (2013-present); former US Rep from Wisconsin (1999-2013)
Mark Pryor
US Senator from Arkansas
Sherrod Brown
Democratic US Senator from Ohio (2007-present); former US Rep from Ohio (1993-2007)
Tim Kaine
Virginia US Senator (2013-present); former Virginia governor; 2016 Clinton VP running mate
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
Claire McCaskill
NBC/MSNBC contributor, former US Senator from Missouri