Business Positions
Prime Policy Group
Merger of BKSH & Timmons; Prime Policy Group is a subsidiary of Burson-Marsteller Global Public Relations a WPP owned company
In the office of
Sandy Berger
National Security Advisor to Bill Clinton; co-founder of Stonebridge International
Bill Nelson
Biden NASA head, former Democratic US Senator and Representative from Florida
Dianne Feinstein
Former US Senator from California, San Francisco mayor
Lee Herbert Hamilton
US Representative from Indiana
Government Positions
Barack Obama
44th President of the United States
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Political Fundraising Committee for Democratic Senatorial Candidates
Mary Landrieu
former Democratic US Senator from Louisiana
Henry Waxman
US Representative from California
Debbie Stabenow
US Senator and Representative from Michigan (2001-present)
Joe Sestak
2020 Dem. presidential candidate, former US Representative from Pennsylvania, retired 3-star vice admiral
Allyson Y Schwartz
Better Medicare Alliance president / CEO, former Pennsylvania Congressperson
Adam Schiff
California US Senator, former congressman
Harry Reid
Late US Senator and Representative from Nevada
Bill Nelson
Biden NASA head, former Democratic US Senator and Representative from Florida
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is one of Israel's largest and most important academic centers.
Brandeis University
A Jewish-sponsored secular university near Boston
Harvard University
Elite private university located in Cambridge, MA