Leadership & Staff
Gary D. Blank
Chief of Staff, Administration and Finance, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Appointed by Charlie Baker in June 2018
Jay Ash
MA Secty of Housing and Econo Dev
Matthew A. Beaton
Secretary, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, MA
Will Keyser
President and Founder of Keyser Public Strategies
Kristen Lepore
Gov Charlie Baker Chief of Staff
Business Positions
Board Memberships
America's Health Insurance Plans
Health insurance trade association and lobbying group
Initiative of the Markle Foundation, Skills-Based Workforce Training
In the office of
Bill Weld
2020 GOP presidential primary candidate; former governor of Massachusetts
Government Positions
Seth Klarman
American billionaire hedge fund manager
C Bruce Johnstone
Managing Director and Senior Marketing Investment Strategist at Fidelity Investments
Jane Akin
Wife of Steven Akin
Steven P. Akin
Current Board Member of Pioneer Institute; Former executive at Fidelity Investments
David Orfao
Co-founder, General Catalyst Partners
David Fialkow
Co-founder, General Catalyst Partners
Larry Bohn
General Catalyst Partners
Joel Cutler
General Catalyst
David Torchiana
Former CEO, Boston-based Partners HealthCare
Matthew Botein
managing director, BlackRock Alternative Investors
Scott P Brown
US ambassador to New Zealand, former Republican US Senator from Massachusetts
Scott P Brown
US ambassador to New Zealand, former Republican US Senator from Massachusetts
Richard Tisei
Massachusetts realtor and former state legislator
America's Health Insurance Plans PAC
health insurance company PAC
John E Sununu
Former US Representative and Senator from New Hampshire
Norm Coleman
Lobbyist at Hogan Lovells; Former US Senator from Minnesota
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
National Republican Senatorial Committee
Campaign committee for Republican U.S. Senate candidates
Nancy Lee Johnson
US Representative from Connecticut
Hasty Pudding Club
A social club for Harvard students, founded in 1795
Harvard University
Elite private university located in Cambridge, MA
Miscellaneous Relationships
Massachusetts Contact Tracing Program
Charlie Baker / Partners In Health
Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions
Conservative organization focused on energy, environmental and security issues
Commonwealth Future Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee
super PAC that supported MA Gov. Charles Baker