Leadership & Staff
Robert Todd Lincoln
First son of President Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln; Secretary of War (1881-1885)
Theodore Roosevelt
26th president of the United States
Franklin D Roosevelt
32nd President of the United States 1933-45
Lloyd Nicholas Rogers
Baltimore 1788-1860
Phil Murphy
56th Governor of New Jersey; U.S. Ambassador to Germany
Charlie Baker
72nd Governor of Massachusetts
Deval Patrick
71st Governor of Massachusetts
John Adams
2nd President of the United States
John Quincy Adams
6th President of the United States; Secretary of State
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court (1902-1932)
Henry Cabot Lodge
A Representative and a Senator from Massachusetts
Ted Kennedy
Former US Senator from Massachusetts
George Santayana
Philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist
William Randolph Hearst
Publishing legend