Business Positions
Peck Madigan Jones
Lobbying firm
In the office of
Amy Klobuchar
US Senator from Minnesota, 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidate
Bob Kerrey
Former Democratic US Senator from Nebraska
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Political Fundraising Committee for Democratic Senatorial Candidates
Chris Coons
Democratic US Senator from Delaware (2010-present)
Dick Durbin
US Senator from Illinois (1997-present); former US Rep from Illinois
Blanche L Lincoln
lobbyist, former representative and senator from Louisiana
Dianne Feinstein
Former US Senator from California, San Francisco mayor
Kay R Hagan
US Senator from North Carolina
Kirsten Gillibrand
US Senator and Representative from New York
Mark Udall
former US Senator and Representative from Colorado
Maria Cantwell
Democratic US Senator from Washington, Former House Member
Services & Transactions
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Largest business lobbying group in the USA