James Murphy is active both as a civil litigator and as counsel to corporate and individual subjects of investigations by government regulatory agencies and grand juries. Prior to entering private practice, he was an Assistant Attorney General of Missouri and a Trial Attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. He also served on the professional staff of the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, and as legislative assistant to former Sen. Thomas F. Eagleton (D-MO). Mr. Murphy has extensive civil and criminal litigation experience in cases tried by juries and by courts, and in appeals, in state and federal courts in many jurisdictions. He also is experienced in representing clients in international arbitrations. Since joining the firm as a partner in 1978, he has had the lead responsibility in cases involving a wide variety of matters, including aircraft crashes, contract disputes, business torts, antitrust, employment (including noncompete covenants and claims of wrongful discharge), transportation, energy, universities, grand jury investigations, and others.