Business Positions
Arthur Andersen
Top accounting firm until 2002; Enron auditor found guilty of criminal charges
Capitol Tax Partners LLP
Lobbying shop focusing on tax legislation
American Bar Association
Lawyers' group
Government Positions
Max Baucus
former US Senator and Representative from Montana
Harry Reid
Late US Senator and Representative from Nevada
Charles Rangel
US Representative from New York
Sander Martin Levin
Former US Representative from Michigan (1983-2019)
Richard Neal
US Representative from Massachusetts (1989-present)
Blanche L Lincoln
lobbyist, former representative and senator from Louisiana
Working to Elect Democrats to the United States Congress
Gordon Harold Smith
US Senator from Oregon
Shelley Berkley
Former US Representative from Nevada
John S Tanner
Former US Representative from Tennessee (TN8 1989 to 2011). Currently chairman of the ICCF foundation.
Services & Transactions
General Electric Company
American multinational conglomerate; announced plans to split into publicly traded businesses - healthcare, aviation and energy
Morgan Stanley
investment bank
Citigroup Inc.
Major American bank
Goldman Sachs
Wall Street investment banking, securities and investment management firm
Represents research-based pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the US
UnitedHealth Group, Inc.
Major health insurer, with headquarters in Minnetonka MN
University of Illinois
One of the original 37 public land-grant institutions
DePaul University
Largest Catholic university in the nation and the largest private university in Chicago