Influential Lobyist
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Lisa Barry
PersonCommon Orgs
Carla A Hills Chevron, Time Warner Inc., Council on Foreign Relations, Office of the United States Trade Representative
James L Jones Chevron, Boeing Company, Atlantic Council
Mickey Kantor US Department of Commerce, Council on Foreign Relations, Office of the United States Trade Representative
Jon M Huntsman Jr Chevron, Atlantic Council, Office of the United States Trade Representative
Kira Alvarez Time Warner Inc., US Department of Commerce, Office of the United States Trade Representative
Thomas R Pickering Boeing Company, Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
Lisa Errion US Department of Commerce, Office of the United States Trade Representative, National Center for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Susan C Schwab Boeing Company, US Department of Commerce, Office of the United States Trade Representative
John E Bryson Boeing Company, US Department of Commerce, Council on Foreign Relations
Greta Lundeberg Boeing Company, Council on Foreign Relations, Office of the United States Trade Representative
David L Goldwyn Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
Penny Pritzker US Department of Commerce, Council on Foreign Relations
Emily S Beizer Office of the United States Trade Representative, National Center for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Donna J Hrinak Boeing Company, Council on Foreign Relations
John Studzinski Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council
Gary Ginsberg Time Warner Inc., Council on Foreign Relations
Charlene Barshefsky Council on Foreign Relations, Office of the United States Trade Representative
Robert Kimmitt Time Warner Inc., Atlantic Council
Chuck Hagel Chevron, Atlantic Council
Harold Brown Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council