As chairman of the Federal Trade Commission in the late 1980s, Daniel Oliver was one of the nation’s top anti-trust officials. Today, he consults on high-stakes public and corporate policy issues, particularly regarding anti-trust. Service at the FTC followed two senior assignments in the Reagan Administration, one as general counsel at the Department of Education (1981-1983) during the years in which the status of that department was under intense review, the second as general counsel of the Department of Agriculture (1983-1986) during the years in which that department and its budget were receiving thorough scrutiny. Preceding federal service, Oliver was an attorney in New York City and a shaper of New York politics. His contributions included serving as a senior policy advisor to the 1970 campaign that brought James Buckley to the United States Senate, a campaign of national significance that helped set the stage for the election of Ronald Reagan to the Presidency a decade later. In the mid 70s he was among the nation’s most influential policy journalists, acting as both a writer and executive editor of National Review magazine in the years in which it was helping to formulate what became the national agenda for the 1980s. Since leaving the government at the end of the Reagan years, Oliver has continued his leadership role in shaping the nation’s agenda, even as he has been active as a consultant and attorney. His appointments have included distinguished fellow at Citizens for a Sound Economy and senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, as well as chairman of the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute and a member of the boards of numerous other public policy organizations. He is chairman of the board of National Review magazine.