US Representative from Minnesota
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Martin Olav Sabo also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Michael Ciresi V Jim Oberstar, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Mike Erlandson, Mary Rieder, Tarryl Clark, Rick Nolan
Alida Rockefeller Dayton Thomas Hiram Andrews, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Mary Rieder, Tarryl Clark, Heidi Heitkamp, Rick Nolan
Marshall A Brachman Edward López Pastor, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Thomas Hiram Andrews, James Bacchus, Bill Sarpalius
Sandor Straus Thomas Hiram Andrews, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Tarryl Clark, Heidi Heitkamp, Rick Nolan
John Hunting Thomas Hiram Andrews, James Bacchus, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Heidi Heitkamp, Rick Nolan
Ronald Platt Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, William Lehman, Bill Sarpalius, Heidi Heitkamp
Tony Podesta Edward López Pastor, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Thomas Hiram Andrews, Heidi Heitkamp
Gerald S J Cassidy Jim Oberstar, William Lehman, Eric Peter Serna, Heidi Heitkamp
Linda Daschle Jim Oberstar, Edward López Pastor, William Lehman, Heidi Heitkamp
George Wallerstein Thomas Hiram Andrews, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Tarryl Clark, Heidi Heitkamp
Caroline Gabel Jim Oberstar, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Mike Erlandson, Tarryl Clark
Sam Kaplan Jim Oberstar, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Mary Rieder, Rick Nolan
Herb Kelleher Jim Oberstar, Edward López Pastor, William Lehman, Eric Peter Serna
Clyde Shorey Thomas Hiram Andrews, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Mary Rieder, Tarryl Clark
Dean White Jim Oberstar, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, William Lehman, Eric Peter Serna
Lawrence F O'Brien III Jim Oberstar, Edward López Pastor, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Heidi Heitkamp
Mary Lee Dayton League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Mike Erlandson, Mary Rieder, Tarryl Clark
Joanie Bronfman Thomas Hiram Andrews, League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, Mary Rieder, Heidi Heitkamp
Vance K Opperman Jim Oberstar, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Tarryl Clark, Rick Nolan
Bernard Rapoport Jim Oberstar, Earl Ralph Pomeroy III, Thomas Hiram Andrews, William Lehman