Trump nominee to be US District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Michael Truncale also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Meredith J Long John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Dian Graves Stai John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Michael Truncale, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
John L Nau III John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Richard W Weekley John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Elloine Clark John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
William E Greehey John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Hushang Ansary John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Joseph Edwin Canon John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Cornyn Majority Cmte
Richard W Moncrief John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Patrick Oxford John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Woody L Hunt John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Scott Petty Jr. John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Joe R Long John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
George W Strake Jr John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Joseph Walter III John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Tucker S Bridwell John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Michael Truncale
Richard R Rogers John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, Cornyn Majority Cmte
Garth Merrick John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Cornyn Majority Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Windi Grimes John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ted Poe, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte
Robert H Pickens John Cornyn, Kay Bailey Hutchison, George W Bush, Republican National Committee, McCain-Palin Victory 2008, Republican Party of Texas, Ted Cruz, David H Dewhurst, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte