Before joining Promontory, Marilyn was Special Counsel to Board Member Daniel L. Goelzer of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. She provided counsel on all matters before the board, including regulatory, public policy, and risk issues associated with formulating and implementing board policy, guidance, auditing standards, and inspection responsibilities. Marilyn also spent seven years at the Securities and Exchange Commission, where she served as Counsel to Commissioner Cynthia A. Glassman, providing advice and counsel on a variety of matters, including enforcement recommendations, SEC rule-making related to market regulation and corporate finance, and congressional oversight and public policy matters. Earlier, Marilyn served as Senior Counsel at the Office of Chief Counsel in the Division of Enforcement, where she coordinated enforcement actions for the SEC's northeast regional office. She began her career at the SEC as a Staff Attorney in the Division of Enforcement, where she investigated and brought several enforcement actions, involving financial fraud and reporting violations, broker-dealer sales practice abuses, insider trading, and market manipulation. She also assisted civic authorities in two related criminal actions. Marilyn also served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.