Sharon Virag
Former Director of Technical Policy Implementation, Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Kevin B Reilly
Enrst & Young executive
Damon Silvers
Associate counsel at the AFL-CIO
J Michael Cook
Independent Director, former Managing Partner and CEO of Deloitte Worldwide, and former Chairman of the AICPA
Frank H Brod
Corporate Vice President, Finance and Administration, and Chief Accounting Officer at Microsoft Corporation
Marilyn Weimer
Director, Promontory Financial
William M Diefenderfer III
Partner, Diefenderfer, Hoover, Boyle & Wood, a law firm, Pittsburgh, PA--1991 to present.
R Harold Schroeder
FASB member; former money manager
Board Members
James R Doty
Chairman of Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Mark W Olson
Chairman of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board; former Fed governor
William J McDonough
Former NY Fed President