Business Positions
Board Memberships
Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security
The Center is part of the McCrary Institute for Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security, and drives the policy component of the Institute’s work.
Spending and Government Efficiency Commission
Cuomo's SAGE Commission
Government Positions
New York State Office of Public Safety
Unit within the Division of Criminal Justice Services
New York State Senate
The upper house of the New York State Legislature
Andrew Cuomo
former governor of New York State
Thomas P DiNapoli
New York State Comptroller
Eric T Schneiderman
Former New York Attorney General
John J Flanagan
New York State Senate Minority Leader
Jack M Martins
Former NYS Senator, District 7
Charles J Fuschillo Jr
Former State Senator.
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Mitt Romney
U.S. senator from Utah, former Massachusetts governor
Peter T King
US Representative from New York (1993-2021)
Steve Israel
Democratic US Representative from New York
Thomas M Reynolds
Lobbyist, Nixon Peabody, former US Representative from New York
Roy Blunt
US Senator from Missouri (2011-present); former US Representative 1997-2011
Grace Meng
US Representative from New York (2013-present)
Robert Hurt
Republican US Representative from Virginia
John Thune
US Senator from South Dakota (2005-present); former US Representative (1997-2003)
John R Kuhl Jr
US Representative from New York