Peter B Lilly
Sherrod Brown, Shelley Moore Capito, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Consol Energy Inc & Cnx Gas Corporation PAC, Jay Rockefeller, Joseph B Scarnati
J Brett Harvey
Shelley Moore Capito, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Consol Energy Inc & Cnx Gas Corporation PAC, Mountaineer PAC, Jay Rockefeller, Joseph B Scarnati
Stephen G Young
Shelley Moore Capito, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Jay Rockefeller, Joseph B Scarnati
Jerry Speyer
Shelley Moore Capito, Hillary Clinton, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jay Rockefeller
J Clifford Forrest
Shelley Moore Capito, Bob Casey, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association
David L Cohen
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jay Rockefeller
David Malone
Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jay Rockefeller
Christine J Toretti
Shelley Moore Capito, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Lou Barletta, Jay Rockefeller
David C Rich
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Tim Murphy, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jay Rockefeller
Richard M Whiting
Shelley Moore Capito, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Jay Rockefeller
Norm Brownstein
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jay Rockefeller
J Christopher Donahue
Sherrod Brown, Shelley Moore Capito, Bob Casey, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee
Thomas S Cushman
Shelley Moore Capito, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Jay Rockefeller
Scott Rotruck
Shelley Moore Capito, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Consol Energy Inc & Cnx Gas Corporation PAC, Mountaineer PAC, Jay Rockefeller
Lionel Kaplan
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jay Rockefeller
Tony Podesta
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Rick Santorum, Jay Rockefeller
Bert Carp
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Mountaineer PAC, Jay Rockefeller
Michael R Peelish
Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Jay Rockefeller, Joseph B Scarnati
Frank Calandra Jr
Shelley Moore Capito, Tim Murphy, Rick Santorum, National Republican Congressional Committee, Coalpac a Political Action Committee of the National Mining Association, Jay Rockefeller
William S Singer
Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Alan Bowlby Mollohan, Mountaineer PAC, Jay Rockefeller