Barack Obama
Gerald S McGowan, Tom Wheeler, Diane Cornell
Democratic National Committee
Gerald S McGowan, Tom Wheeler, Diane Cornell
Ctia - the Wireless Association Political Action Committee
Steve Largent, Tom Wheeler, Daniel S Mead, Meredith Attwell Baker, Diane Cornell
Mitt Romney
Daniel S Mead, Meredith Attwell Baker
DNC-Non-Federal National Health Care
Gerald S McGowan
Republican National Committee
Daniel S Mead
Hillary Clinton
Gerald S McGowan, Tom Wheeler, Diane Cornell
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
Gerald S McGowan, Diane Cornell
National Association of Broadcasters Political Action Committee (Nabpac)
Meredith Attwell Baker
John Kerry
Gerald S McGowan, Nick Kolovos, Diane Cornell
Forward Together PAC
Gerald S McGowan
Mark Warner
Gerald S McGowan
National Cable and Telecommunications Association Political Action Committee (Ncta PAC)
Meredith Attwell Baker
Tim Kaine
Gerald S McGowan, Tom Wheeler
DNC-Non-Federal Individual
Gerald S McGowan
Right To Rise PAC
Meredith Attwell Baker
Comcast Corp & NBC Universal PAC
Meredith Attwell Baker
John McCain
Meredith Attwell Baker
Jason Altmire
Nick Kolovos
Scott P Brown
Daniel S Mead