Clare Morell
Christian conservative activist
Mark A Noll
Francis A McAnaney Professor of History University of Notre Dame
Lewis Lehrman
Senior Partner, L. E. Lehrman & Co., an investment firm he established.
Gilbert Meilaender
Professor of Theology, Valparaiso University
Peter Berkowitz
Tad and Dianne Taube Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
Michael Novak
Trustee and Visiting Professor, Ave Maria University
Bill Kristol
neoconservative political analyst and commentator
Peter Wehner
Republican speechwriter and neoconservative
Josh Good
Director of the Religion & Society Program at the Aspen Institute
John Sauer
Trump defense attorney and pick to become US Solicitor General, anti-abortion former Missouri solicitor general
Ryan T Anderson
President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Ed Whelan
President, Ethics and Public Policy Center; former law clerk to Justice Scalia
Leonard Leo
Attorney, founded Marble Freedom Trust; former executive vice president of the Federalist Society; Republican fund raiser
Eric Cohen
Executive Director of the Tikvah Fund
Robert P George
Princeton University professor
William R Burleigh
CEO of The E.W. Scripps Company
J. Robison Hays, III
President and Chief Executive Officer of Ashford Hospitality Trust and the Senior Managing Director of Ashford.
Barb Van Andel-Gaby
Chairman, Heritage Foundation; Amway heir
The 85 Fund
Leonard Leo group w/multiple aliases
Bradley Impact Fund
Donor-advised fund of the Bradley Family Foundation - "A Donor-Advised Fund for Conservatives"
Knights of Columbus
a global Catholic fraternal service order founded by Fr. Michael J. McGivney on March 29, 1882
Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund
Faith-based hedge fund
Sarah Scaife Foundation
Conservative funding juggernaut
Stand Together Fellowships
Formerly known as the Charles Koch Institute
Servant Foundation
Kansas Christian group
Alliance Defending Freedom
Legal ministry bringing together Christian lawyers
Mark A Noll
Francis A McAnaney Professor of History University of Notre Dame
Project 2025
Far-right plan to take power in 2024 elections, "decimate the deep state" via policy, personnel, training
Promise to America's Children
anti-LGBTQ coalition of conservative think tanks and lobbying groups