People Have Given To
People with positions in Andersons have made donations to
Ohio Republican Party State Central & Executive Committee $56,787 John F Barrett, Richard P Anderson, Catherine M Kilbane
Western and Southern Life Insurance Co Political Action Committee (Western-Southern PAC) $49,000 John F Barrett
Republican National Committee $38,050 John F Barrett, Richard P Anderson, Catherine M Kilbane, Ross W Manire
Rob Portman $30,803 Michael J Anderson, John F Barrett, Richard R George, Catherine M Kilbane
Boehner for Speaker Cmte $28,000 John F Barrett
American Council of Life Insurers Political Action Committee $27,500 John F Barrett
National Republican Congressional Committee $23,100 John F Barrett, Ross W Manire
Steve Chabot $16,600 John F Barrett
Portman Victory Cmte $15,000 John F Barrett, Catherine M Kilbane
2004 Joint State Victory Committee $12,500 John F Barrett
Mitt Romney $11,050 John F Barrett, Catherine M Kilbane, Ross W Manire
Peter Roskam $11,000 Ross W Manire
Fert PAC (The Political Action Committee of the Fertilizer Institute) $10,850 Michael J Anderson, Dennis J Addis, Richard R George, Richard P Anderson
George Voinovich $10,500 Michael J Anderson, John F Barrett, Daniel T Anderson, Richard P Anderson
John Boehner $10,400 John F Barrett
Portman Victory Cmte 2010 $10,000 John F Barrett
Southwest Ohio Victory Committee $10,000 John F Barrett
Founders' Committee $10,000 John F Barrett
Jean Schmidt $9,700 John F Barrett
Mike DeWine $9,650 Michael J Anderson, John F Barrett
Updated almost 10 years ago

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Types Organization, Business, Public Company

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