Global Media, Entertainment and Publishing Company
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Time Warner Inc. also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Council on Foreign Relations Jeffrey L Bewkes, Frank J Caufield, Jessica P Einhorn, Carla A Hills, Lisa Barry, Gary Ginsberg, Clifton R Wharton Jr
AOL Kenneth J Novack, Richard J Bressler, Lisa Nelson, Steve Case, Sam Mandel
US Department of Justice William Barr, Carla A Hills, Kent Walker, David Kris
US Department of Commerce Lisa Barry, Kira Alvarez, Carlos Gutierrez, Chris Israel
Office of the United States Trade Representative Carla A Hills, Lisa Barry, Kira Alvarez
Paramount Global Richard J Bressler, Carol Melton, Gail Mackinnon
White House Office Richard D Parsons, Susan Brophy, Robert Kimmitt
Time Inc Norman Pearlstine, Howard M Averill, Maurice F Edelson
New Visions for Public Schools Reuben Mark, Gary Ginsberg, J Richard Munro
TIAA Robert C Clark, Herbert M Allison Jr., Clifton R Wharton Jr
The Partnership for New York City, Inc. Richard D Parsons, Jeffrey L Bewkes, Deborah C Wright
Citigroup Inc. Richard D Parsons, Deborah C Wright, Carlos Gutierrez
Sun Microsystems James L Barksdale, Edward J Zander
Chevron Carla A Hills, Lisa Barry
Clark & Weinstock Jessica P Einhorn, Gary Ginsberg
Time Warner Cable Inc. Steven Teplitz, Olaf Olafsson
Yale School of Management Jeffrey L Bewkes, Herbert M Allison Jr.
Committee for Economic Development Gerald Greenwald, Carol Melton
The Aspen Institute Gerald Greenwald, Clifton R Wharton Jr
Rockefeller Foundation Richard D Parsons, Clifton R Wharton Jr